Friday, May 22, 2020

Evidence and Examples of the Four Learning Outcomes

ENG 3010 is an intermediate writing course that prepares students for reading, research, and writing. Students develop writing skills in their own discipline or professional communities by analyzing texts, evidence and writing conventions (Bell, 2014). Four course learning objectives provide a foundation in which by the end of the semester a final research paper is produced with a narrowed definitive focus on a particular subject. Each writing assignment is designed to develop a particular area of growth, how specific communities shape texts and functions, how writing and research creates knowledge, and how to analyzing a particular topic in your field of discipline or profession while producing a sustained research paper. I have six artifacts that establish my progression in reading, writing, and researching. My Summary Assignment, Interview and Ethnography Assignment, Group Report In-Class Presentation, Group Report, Post on Conferences, Proposal Feedback, Writers Memo1, and In-Cla ss Writing: Argument for Research that demonstrate that I have successfully achieved the objectives of the four Learning Outcomes set-forth in this class. Learning Outcome One states that students by the end of the class will learn how to â€Å"produce writing that demonstrates their ability to identify, describe, and analyze various occasions for writing, genres, conventions, and audiences in their discipline or profession from a rhetorical perspective† (Bell, 2014). Prior to the â€Å"GroupShow MoreRelatedEssay about U2 Assessment687 Words   |  3 PagesAssessment document has 9 pages and is made up of 4 Parts. Name: Carly Watson Part 1: The extent of diversity This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1:.Understand the extent of diversity within a community. 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Although there are fr ameworks designed to access and evaluate training, Keen and Berge’s assert that there is anRead MoreEquaity and Diversity Level 2 Unit 21641 Words   |  7 Pagesextent of diversity This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1:.Understand the extent of diversity within a community. |Learning objective |Place in Assessment | |1.1 Describe the extent of diversity that exists within a community |Question 1, Page 1 | |1.2 Give examples of physical diversity within a community Read MoreBusiness Envrionment Assignment Essay1166 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironment Assignment Introduction The assignment is aimed at providing you with an understanding of different organisations, the influence of stakeholders and the relationship between businesses and the local, national and global environments. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

America Is A Very Diverse World - 1487 Words

America is a very diverse world. There are many different races; American, African-American, Native American to Muslims, Indians, Hispanics, etc. One person can have different beliefs, values and symbols that they accept but others do not. Most of the different types of races travel from their country to the United States of America. Some choose to carry on their beliefs, some decide to try and fit in with the new races or cultures that they are being exposed to. Then there are commercials that are being shown all over the world about a certain country that are living in poverty. For example, Africa and how they lack of food and water. People are being exposed to others who are from outside of their culture and then having commercials†¦show more content†¦She has more respect and is more religious than her sister Bharati, who wants to try and adapt to a new culture that she is exposed to coming to America. Mira is a legal immigrant, who still holds her Indian citizenship. When Mira came to America besides marrying a groom from her father’s choosing, she married an Indian student, who attends Wayne State University working towards his business administration degree. Thirty-five years living in America, Mira continues to still wear saris. To her, she feels like it is more respectful to her culture. She wants to still continue her cultural traditions. She lives in Detroit and works at a Southfield, Michigan school system and works in preschool education. She later hopes that after she retires she can return back to India. Bharati, on the other hand, came to the United States and felt the need to try and fit in with the American culture. Besides marrying a man of her father’s choice or inside of her Indian culture, she ends up getting married to an American-Canadian man. She lived with her husband in his homeland, Canada, for 20 years. Bharati says â€Å"I was prepared for (and even welcomed) the emotional strain that came with marrying outside my ethnic community.† (Mukherjee 5). Bharati opened up more to the American culture and its beliefs. She believes being married to an American and living in America that she should try and adapt to the new cultural setting. Has she says in the story, â€Å"I need to feel like a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creativity essay Free Essays

Creativity is important to education because some people have special drawing skills and they learn about different kinds of art. These special people have a tremendous talent and it takes a lot of practice. Creative people needs to be curious about their art work, flexible, and independent. We will write a custom essay sample on Creativity essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now When others are drawing, they have to use their time wisely. Creativity is about making mistakes and correcting them. Creativity is as important as other subjects. To be creative, an individual needs subject knowledge and how this knowledge can be used first. People think creativity can just be used for arts, drama, and music. But little do people know, it can be used for anything. Such as; hair products, getting dressed, school subjects, etc. Using hair products or make-up, that person can think of ways to use his/her own creative imagination. Getting dressed are the impressions that you make; like â€Å"Should wear this today or tomorrow†. And school subjects for creativity could be used for math, science, history, and English. All those subjects could be used for problem solving ability to think, and to learn social rules. In the TED talk of â€Å"How Schools Kill Creativity† by Ken Robinson, never in my life knew schools could kill creativity by the way they talk in the morning. In his speech, Ken Robinson claims that some students are born with huge talents. He talks about the future for students and what is going to happen in the next couple years. Students have responsibilities, learning capabilities, academic abilities, and possibilities of making something incredible. All students have tremendous talents and should do whatever makes them feel comfortable. Creativity can be emotional, stressful, and social. In art classes, students should be encouraged to go big, explore, and wander what they are going to draw. It takes patience and time to draw something incredible. No one would want to draw really fast and the drawing to look sloppy. Drawing could be fun and interesting. Drama takes creativity to listen for communication, positive minds, positive vibes, and speaking in-front of crowds. This is learning a new skill everyday. Music is learning how to read notes, the melody, slow and fast rhythms, and the harmony. Being creative is putting all the instruments together to make a beautiful sound. Its also about working together and having a positive attitude. People enjoy the process of being creative and being â€Å"in the zone† or flow. Creativity is a special subject, culture, skills, learning, etc. Creativity is what puts our world with color. If we did not have creativity in this world, I think there would be nothing. Such as; everything is this world would be black and white. Everyone would not have a special, happy, creative personality. Everything would just be blank. So since creativity is about making mistakes and correcting them, creativity is just as important to education and to our whole society. How to cite Creativity essay, Essays